We back early-stage founders building real and sustainable businesses.

Acronym specializes in late seed and early a Financings.

We believe that a lot of the “hard truths” about Venture Capital are wrong.

We don’t believe in the Power Law that only one company needs to return the fund.

We don’t have ownership targets.

We believe that in the future, startups will need less capital to scale and will need a partner that is aligned with the new reality.

We believe in funding entrepreneurs solving real problems with a capital efficient mentality.

acronym invests in b2b saas and omnichannel consumer brands at late seed and early a rounds.

Acronym’s approach and focus:

Our sweet spot is companies raising $2m-$6m. WE occasionally co- invest in larger Series A’s.

we lead, co-lead or participate in rounds.

We don’t have ownership targets, giving us flexibility for unique situations.

Our checks range from $500k to $3m.

we help our founders get to the next round.

We focus on business fundamentals to get to the next round with as much optionality as possible.

We only invest where we can help drive revenue.

we don’t invest for a billion or bust Outcome.

Realistic expectations give us flexibility to invest in opportunities that others deem “too small.”

Every investment we make matters to us.

We look for early signs of product market fit execution.

We invest when B2B companies have achieved at least $1m in ARR and when omnichannel consumer brands have reached at least $2m.

We look for expertise, not pedigree.

We invest in founders with industry experience working to solve real world problems. We don’t care where you went to school.

We are generalist, but we focus on:

SaaS: Enterprise & SMB for Hospitality, Commerce, Workflow, Fintech, Proptech, Cyber and Healthcare.

Omnichannel consumer: CPG, Food & Beverage.

What our founders say about working with us

“Having Acronym as a partner has been a tremendous win for us as a company and an even bigger win for me as a founder. They’re eager to make thoughtful introductions, offer words of wisdom or encouragement, and roll up their sleeves to share in the muddy work that’s inherent to early-stage life. I’m grateful to have a strategic ally that’s just as quick and willing to pick up the phone for good news as they are to lend a compassionate ear when the going gets tough. Whether floating in calm water or sailing directly into volatile headwinds, Acronym is the greatest steady, dependable partner I could have hoped for.”

Daniel Meth, Co-founder & CEO

“When we started, we didn’t know what having a truly incredible VC meant, but after the last five years working with Joshua and Mat, they have redefined what a partner is. They will kick down any door for you to get you in front of any customer, they’re a sparring partner for ideas, a sounding board for when you’re stuck and incredible friends when you want to have a laugh. They will also tell you the hard things that you might not want to hear, but need to - and the frustrating thing is, they’re always right. I can say without a doubt, that we are where we are today because we’ve had the honor of working with them since the beginning.”

David Abbey, Co-founder & CEO

“The Acronym we met at our first meeting is the same Acronym we know today: More than an investor - a true partner to unlock opportunities, relationships and innovation at every stretch. When you’re moving fast to change the world, consistent and experienced investors are invaluable. Everyone’s at their best at their first meeting, but with Acronym we’ve found consistency with a true partner.”

Nick Smith, Founder & CEO